Simplifying Your Life

  • Still Negotiating A Promotion That Will Send You Across The Country? What Should You Consider?

    10 January 2017

    If you've recently been tapped for a promotion, you may still be working through a number of different reactions, from elation and pride to anxiety and concern -- with the latter set of emotions taking hold whenever you begin to think about planning a cross-country relocation. Fortunately, if you're still in the process of negotiating your salary, bonus structure, and moving timeline, it's not too late to see how many of these costs (not to mention hassles) can be taken care of on your behalf as part of your total compensation package.

  • 5 Tips for Safely Transporting Your Crystal Chandelier

    14 November 2016

    When it comes to moving your belongings from one home to another, there are some items that deserve more attention than others. Crystal chandeliers require a bit more TLC than other items in your home, thanks largely to their fragility as well as their cost. The last thing you'll need is an expensive fixture or irreplaceable heirloom being destroyed during your move. Here are a few tips you can use to ensure your chandelier survives the journey intact.

  • Five Unexpected Moving Expenses To Make Sure You Plan For

    8 November 2016

    It's no secret that moving can be expensive. Even if you're just moving across town, you need to either hire a moving company or rent a truck. Then, there's the cost of a security deposit on your new place, plus the costs related to redecorating and furnishing the home. Sadly, many people end up financially "in over their heads" during the moving process, in part because they forget to plan for certain expenses.